Seeing the World Through Orange Coloured Glasses

With orange coloured glasses…
…a party over 50 years old can be considered “new”.

With orange coloured glasses…
…the constitution can be opened up and everyone can be made happy.

With orange coloured glasses…
…cuting a tax on home heating fuel is good environmental policy which helps the poorest Canadians.

With orange coloured glasses…
…a cap and trade system starts generating revenue right away.

With orange coloured glasses…
…you can train 1200 doctors for $25 million – even though it will cost the current government $40 million to train 100 doctors.

With orange coloured glasses…
…one man can run an entire government.

With orange coloured glasses…
…a party as responsible as anyone else for breaking Ottawa can “fix Ottawa”.

With orange coloured glasses…
…a negative campaign running negative ads is all about hope.

With orange coloured glasses…
…it looks perfectly fine when you cost your job creation tax credit on the assumption job creation will fall by 70%.

With orange coloured glasses…
…you can make $70 billion in new promises without raising taxes.


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