They work hard for their money

Apparently the provincial PCs have been cashing their bonus cheques to the tune of one million dollars over the past year. I don’t have a problem with MLAs getting paid more for doing extra work but when it’s nearly doubling their salary and the “work” being done requires air quotes to describe it? I dunno…

In other News

-I know SES has become the new oracle for many bloggers but if we’re going to toss aside Angus Reid for being ridiculously low, we need to concede that these numbers do seem a bit more favourable for the grits than the other polls out there right now. That’s not to say they aren’t encouraging or even that the true numbers lie outside of the margin of error, but I’d want to see a few more polls confirming this before concluding that we’re back to a statistical tie.

Adam Daifallah has an interesting take on the Quebec election results.

-I’m telling you, when I see stories like this, I’m more convinced than ever that Paul Hellyer and the Canadian Action Party are poised for a breakthrough next election.

Two thirds of Canadians favour electing judges which is absolutely shocking considering what a dumb idea that is. I’m pretty sure that if they reflecting on it for a bit, most would change their opinion quickly.

-More doom and gloom environmental reports

-Finally, my first round picks: Sabers, Devils, Rangers, Sens, Flames, Ducks, Sharks, Canucks

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