Time To Return Those “Dalton4Leader” T-Shirts

I can’t imagine anyone seriously thought he would run, but Dalton McGuinty has made it official that he will not be entering the Federal Liberal Leadership Race.

While the race will not officially kick off for another 3 weeks, with each passing day it becomes more and more clear that the field will be Justin Trudeau, Marc Garneau (likely), Martha Hall Findlay (maybe), and whoever among the mish-mash of no-names can come up with the $75,000 entry fee.

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4 responses to “Time To Return Those “Dalton4Leader” T-Shirts”

  1. The speculation about McGuinty running for federal Liberal leader was just a distraction put up by his friends to distract people from the scandals and failures that were part of his record.

  2. Try telling that to the people Dalton hired on to advise him about his federal leadership campaign. And to the team he had in place in numerous provinces across Canada.

    He was serious about running, but apparently found he wasn’t going to win.

    • If the reason he determined that he wasn’t going to win was because he would be running against Trudeau, then IMO Liberals have a real problem on their hands. Unless all you folks really think a coronation is A-OK.

      OTOH, if the reason was because, to put it bluntly, he was Dalton McGuinty, then not so bad.

      Would be interesting to see the data he used to make his decision.

    • So then yes Nuna is correct that the recent speculation that came with him stepping down (e.g. him not ruling it out) was all just a distraction from the recent announcement – he didn’t think he could win. If he had all that team in place, then it’s not as if it all only came clear in the last week and a half.

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