Great Moments in Spin

I can’t wait to see the tourism brochures:

Toronto mayor Rob Ford is still dodging allegations that he smoked crack cocaine, but now he seems to think there’s a silver lining to the international attention brought upon his city by the scandal over his (alleged!) drug use: tourism dollars. At least that’s what Ford told Toronto radio DJ Maurie Sherman on Saturday when asked if the extra high-profile press, from morning shows like Good Morning America and Today to late-night hawks like Jimmy Fallon and Jon Stewart, was hurting the city. “No. It’s whatever people perceive it as. Any time you can get Toronto on the map,” Ford said. “I think people have to come to the city and see what we have to offer. And we have great arts and culture, great theatres, great restaurants, great sporting teams. I encourage everyone to come to Toronto.”

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4 responses to “Great Moments in Spin”

  1. I had an Australian couchsurfer last Thanksgiving; within 5 minutes of arriving, he said, “So, Rob Ford. Wow.”

    I was stunned he had any clue who Rob Ford was.

  2. So Toronto had an election where a self-admitted former drug user was defeated by a man alleged to be using. Ford should have said he didn’t inhale, and be done with it. A poll on Yahoo said 60 percent thought it was time to move on from the story. Maybe it’s time to start drug tests for Toronto city council candidates?

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