Thanks, but no Thanks

I’d say that falls into the category of “Headlines Stephen Harper doesn’t want to see” (along with “Rob Anders to go on national speaking tour” and any headline with the words “Helena Guergis” in it).

And the Star’s choice of the sub headline “15,000 rally in Ottawa to praise Harper for picking up where George Bush left off” probably won’t be making its way into too many Conservative Party pamphlets either.

Of course, that’s not really what the rally was about – as the article explains, its main purpose was to urge the government to bring in legislation limiting abortions in Canada. Given Stephen Harper has consistently shown he’ll abandon anything he believes in to get re-elected, I wouldn’t hold me breath on those demands.

And, yeah, Harper probably doesn’t need to sweat a few bad Toronto Star headlines. To steal a line from Will Ferguson, they’d announce Harper discovering the cure for cancer as “Harper to Close Chemotherapy Clinics in Toronto“.

But to see this story staying in the news for so long has got to be extremely frustrating for him. Sure, it’s good for fundraising and for keeping the base happy, but it’s not the sort of thing he wants to see in newspapers or local news shows.

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