Random News Clips

1) Harper has finally delivered on the disappearing fifth priority, a wait times guarantee. Huzzah! Well, that is, he’s made sure provinces will guarantee one procedure. Yes, O-N-E. I’m not a doctor but I figure there can’t be more than, what, 3 or 4 known medical procedures out there so this is clearly a monumental step forward.

2) The Macleans 50 have waded into the never ending PR debate. I say this only because I know poli-sci geek types enjoy debating this sort of thing and I suspect that that demographic makes up a large percentage of my readership.

3) Bharat Agnihotri was tossed from the Alberta legislature yesterday.

4) Lucienne Robillard, one of the most low key Cabmins over the past decade, has announced her retirement. This certainly is shaping up to be a “changing of the guard” election for the Liberal caucus, win or lose.

5) My Edmonton residency may limit the Calgary content of this blog so to try and fix this imbalance, I present the national anthems from last night’s Flames game. This is in the same league as Roseanne Barr. Oh, and while we’re talking about music videos on YouTube, this is the greatest remix parody ever.

6) Since today seems a little news-lite, I’ll simply add, on a completely off topic note, that Arrested Development rocked, and that anyone who enjoys quality television should pick up the DVDs. Oh, and while I’m off topic, let me say that I loathe people who take the elevator down one floor when there are stairs right next to it. Just thought I’d mention that.

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