Category: Federal Politics

  • One Week

    I’ve been on vacation for the past week and, surprisingly, there weren’t a lot of bars in New Orleans showing the Liberal Leadership Debate over the weekend, so I’m not able to weigh in on how the candidates fared. However, that question is becoming less and less relevant, as a Justin Trudeau victory becomes more […]

  • Star Wars

    Marc Garneau fires the first photon torpedo of the leadership race: Leadership means taking a stand I believe this leadership race is the time for the party to vigorously debate the issues of importance to Liberals, to Canadians; to define where we stand as a party; and to select the person who can best lead […]

  • “Under the leadership of this Prime Minister, Canada will never become a safe have for zombies”

    …he may, however, appoint a few of them to the Senate.

  • Brazeau Knocked Out

    Soon to be former Senator Patrick Brazeau has been booted from the Tory caucus after being charged for sexual assault. Or maybe he was kicked out because he was caught making fun of Theresa Spence at a fundraiser. Or maybe it was because he listed his father’s house as his primary residence, to gain a […]

  • 50% + 1

    After dancing around the issue for several years, it appears the NDP finally has a clear position on the Clarity Act: On Monday, the NDP introduced legislation to allow Quebec to secede with a simple majority of 50 per cent plus one. The party also wants to impose a tougher question in the event of […]

  • 2012 in Pictures

  • Opto Civilitas

    Some of you may recall Pat Martin’s noble quest to bring civility to Parliament: “This is my new policy,” Martin said, holding up a handful of party-coloured buttons he had made reading “Opto Civitas.” “I choose civility. That’s the new me.” He had 300 buttons made up in all party colours — including a green […]

  • Interview with David Bertschi

    After brunch with David Merner and my trip to the George Takach launch, my tour of lesser known Liberal leadership candidates lands on David Bertschi today. While not an “official” candidate yet, Bertschi has been campaigning longer than most. He was the first candidate to launch a website, and even released a Hollywood-style trailer in […]

  • Rick Mercer on the Liberal Leadership Race

  • Old Habits Die Hard

    In all my years blogging about Calgary politics, I never thought “Liberals blow by-election” is a story I’d have to write. “Liberals lose” is a common headline for a party that hasn’t won a seat in Calgary since 1968, during the height of Trudeaumania (the first round of Trudeaumania that is). But while some Liberals […]

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